Wednesday, October 29, 2008
As you all know Joseph and I have been preparing ourselves to be Foster Parents and we would like to thank you for all your love and support we have received, especially while we were preparing our house for the home study that we are having today (10/29/08). I know that there are mixed feelings about kids in foster care and we just want to remind everyone that they are children of God. They deserve a chance just like everyone else. In the 4 yrs my mom and I were foster parents we got everything from teenagers to infants. I can't tell you in words how rewarding it is to see this families turn around and get reunited. These kids have so much to offer the world they just need someone to show them how and to give them a chance. We hope everyone can put the foster care stereotypes behind them and see the kids for what they can be and what they can offer the world.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Within us is greatness that is possible for all to see,
Then why is it I can’t see the greatness inside of me?
Too often I feel I should be doing more,
And at times I question who am I doing this for?
My heart becomes troubled and soul becomes numb
Am I the person I’m supposed to become?
Have I become as a leper, or even deaf, or blind?
Because I’m left with feelings of falling behind.
But then I remember how much faith these people had.
Aside from the reasons they had to be sad.
For they saw things in a different light,
In the midst of struggle stress and strife.
I begin to understand that miracles aren’t only for the things we see outside,
We need miracles for the spiritual things inside.
So when life is difficult and stares us in the face,
We just need to lengthen our stride and keep a steady pace.
For we all have moments that waken our will,
But we need to find it within ourselves to be still.
For we all are capable of seeing ourselves through Heavenly Fathers eyes
And with this healing miracle our hearts will break down and cry.
Our own understanding and perspective remains small,
But through the eyes of our father we can see all.
For through his eyes we can see through eternity,
As our own greatness beings to shine so brilliantly.
For greatness isn’t being perfect as we give it our all,
Greatness is rising after each time we fall.
So when life is hard and we feel that we’ve lost the race,
Remember how Heavenly Father sees you and his countenance is upon your face.
For we all are miracle in our own and precious way,
And if we look to our Heavenly Father he will always show us the way.
Joseph C. Baadsgaard
The Light That Calls
The sea of life has tossed me about with all sorts of noise, confusion, tumult, and clout.
Darkness seems to grow at an unbeatable pace,
Dimming the countenance on my face.
My heart begins to wonder as I drift into the sea,
What is this light that shines inside of me?
I now realize my choices placed me in this drifting sea and I ask who is the one who that can set me free?
For the waves are high and when will your coming be nigh?
Will you help this light to burn brighter inside?
As my heart yearns to trust and confide?
The clouding darkness scares me so much.
Will you please reach out and heal me with your touch?
As my questions and cries seem to sail away in the waves,
I remember the times where he was kind, charitable and so willing to forgive.
I learned that while in those moments where I was in despair,
I can turn around to see that he’s always there.
For my Lord and Savior is always good to me and calls me back from the waves of the tossing sea.
As I heed his meek and humble call,
I see a light that begins to fall.
And as it fell the waves stood still,
With a path that lead to a tall standing hill.
Step by step I drew closer to the light,
Realizing that with his help I could win the fight.
For he stood like a lighthouse sending light across the sea,
Saying to all to come and follow me.
As I made the choice to follow him, I find myself on dry land.
He rushed out to meet me and embraced me with his hands.
I stepped back to look at him with my tear filled eyes,
My Lord and Savior appeared from disguise.
For my testimony of him is what’s pulled me through,
As I cried out I will follow you.
Is literally Heaven falling upon us.
The cleansing of one’s mind body and spirit.
Tears from heaven that bring joy, peace, and happiness.
A sign of joy that warmth and sunshine will follow.
The gift and rebirth of all life.
A refreshing shower that touches both body and spirit.
Crying angels helping love to grow.
Falling blessings overlooked.
The closeness between God and Man.
Something clear that adds color to life.
Soft gentle reassurance of peace.
It’s what makes the glass of water half full.
Washes away pain, anguish, and grief.
Fills the soul with everlasting life.
Joseph C. Baadsgaard
Within the Depths of My Heart
If I was able to tell a story about my heart, what would it be?
Would I be able to share every part of me?
Could I express how it has hidden behind doubt and fears?
Maybe I could tell about how it has released many tears.
My heart wants to grow as quickly as the moving sunrise cresting a mountain peak.
There I find the desires I’m trying to seek
My heart sometimes feels like a dream.
Flowing much like the bending and turning of a stream.
In my heart are treasures hidden and in my heart are treasures found.
Within my heart lies the path to homeward bound.
My heart lets go of a world I once knew.
This it was sent to a world where there are more than a few.
My heart is like the sun crying a sunset and smiling a sunrise.
Within my heart lies a light.
Something that has always wanted to burn bright.
In that light I see a name.
Of one who paid the price and is an eternal flame.
Darkness if fallen upon by the warmth of his love,
Taking my heavy heart and making it light as a dove.
In this light I find the warmth of his embrace.
Helping me through the trouble I face
For that my heart smiles as I await a new day.
As I walk with him while he shows me the way
Joseph C. Baadsgaard.
The Masterpiece
Everyday when the noon day sun rises and falls,
Is the story of someone’s heart painted across the sky.
Thoughts and memories awaken at the hint of a whispering breeze,
While true colors shine bringing light and love to those who seek.
From raging storms of confusion fall stinging rain drops of impression cleansing the mind of bad memories and bitterness.
Rainbows following with a message of peace and happiness.
The sun calmly sets inviting a new day to shine through the darkness of a lost and wondering night.
As time continues to race by, the seasons change.
So are the feelings of the heart.
It’s a portrait of our life with our feelings sketched out as strokes towards the masterpiece we all seek for.
In times of loneliness look up at the sky and the sun that lights up the masterpiece of your heart.
For there Christ truly understands us.
He is the master in our masterpiece called life that lasts forever.
For the many blessings we can receive
One must find it in their heart to believe
For the blessing of truth is one to desire
While learning to follow Christ we can inspire
For what in life does it take to truly succeed?
When through revelation we find what we need
For when we read the scriptures we receive the power
To learn, to teach, and to serve every hour
For the way the scriptures teach us how to pray
Our Heavenly Father sends blessing along the way
For all the things we are given to know
We find that in darkness we can continue to grow
For the ultimate goal of human kind
Is that we must be of one heart and one mind
For there’s the place where we become one
When we stand in the light of our Heavenly Father’s son
For his light gives us the greatest blessing of all
Even in the midst of temptation we will not fall
For one day we’ll have the opportunity
To live with our Heavenly Father and his son for eternity
I see his face and wonder as he suffered in
How many times has he wept and walked with me?
No nails in hands or feet could pierce his immeasurable love.
He’s the one who shows the way back to our home above.
The calmness in his eyes I see that calms my troubled soul.
His hands pick up my broken heart to mend and make it whole.
How many times have I seen one set of footprints in the sand?
As I find myself being carried and feel the warmth of his mighty hands.
Standing by me as my most true and loving friend,
He uplifts and guides me to where there’s no end.
I see his face full of mercy and a tear fall from his eye.
Telling me oh how happy it makes me each time I see you try.
He helps me see my eternal worth.
Telling me that I’m more than just a spec on the earth.
He becomes my source of strength and light with each new passing day.
How grateful I am for all that he gives to show us the way.
I see a star shinning brightly in the sky
Reminding me of his birth and that he for all of us would die
No greater love can touch the hearts of man
Than he the Savior who fulfilled God’s plan.